SLAIHEE is an independent not-for-profit organization, and includes persons interested in sharing the “vision”, furthering the “aims” and demonstrating the “values” of SLAIHEE.
- support existing as well as emerging aspects of educational development in the Sri Lankan universities so as to make it relevant and applicable to the Sri Lankan development context
- assist in the transfer of socially relevant higher education policy as university practice
- provide a forum for the sharing of current and emerging ideas and information on teaching, learning and management in the university setting
- contribute to the professional development of members and to maintain activities to sustain their teaching-learning and management interests and advancement
- recognize the significance of adopting effective management and leadership practices in the enhancement of university education
- disseminate scholarship on teaching and learning
- recognise and reward outstanding contributions to teaching excellence, and educational and organisational leadership in university education
- enhance, with regard to the staff of the higher education sector;
- working conditions and remuneration
- opportunities for exposure to the world beyond the local university setting
- opportunities for postgraduate education – so as to recruit and retain the calibre of excellent, committed staff needed to improve and sustain university effectiveness
- link with other national and international organizations having related interests.
- Developing tools and materials to assist educational development, such as booklets, software, posters, videos
- Publishing newspaper and journal articles, newsletters, booklets, journal/s, Occasional Publications on staff and educational development
- Conducting workshops and courses for professional development of university staff
- Undertaking consultancy, related to higher education, for universities and outside organizations
- Encouraging research in learning and staff/educational development
- Conducting research conferences
- Lobbying appropriate state and university bodies to improve existing practices and to adopt necessary changes in policy and practice
- Identifying and promoting, periodically, the adoption of ethical learning-educational practices to meet existing and emerging institutional and national needs
- Assisting HE institutions to map needs and to identify strategies to transform existing practices
- Affording regular opportunities to the membership to reflect on their practice and future development needs through engagement with learning resources, including courses, workshops, peers, experiential opportunities.