

9th Conference 2013

The 9th Joint Conference 2013 of the Staff Development Centre (SDC), University of Colombo, SLAIHEE was held at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo on Friday 28th June 2013, 9 am to 3.30 pm.  The theme of the conference was “Creative use of technology to enhance student centered learning”.

Mr. Sriyan Wijeratne, Microsoft Manager for Sri Lanka and Bangladesh delivered the keynote address.


6th Conference 2010

The 6th Joint Conference 2010 of the Staff Development Centre (SDC ), University of Colombo, and SLAIHEE was held in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo on Monday 5th April 2010, 9 am to 4.30 pm.

The theme of the conference was “Challenges in sustaining best practices in higher education”. The SDC and SLAIHEE are both committed to improving life skills and performance capabilities of university teachers and students. SLAIHEE embodies the vision of transforming higher education in Sri Lanka to empower individuals to become socially effective as productive, accountable and caring citizens. Continue reading “6th Conference 2010″


5th Conference 2009

The fifth joint SDC & SLAIHEE Conference organized by the Staff Development Centre, University of Colombo, and the Sri Lanka Association for Improving Higher Education Effectiveness was conducted on Friday 15th May 2009 at the Faculty of Graduate Studies with the participation of academic staff from the Sri Lankan universities. The theme for this years conference was”Reflecting on the Changes and Challenges in Higher Education”. This conference has been held annually with the aim of providing a platform for academics to share their knowledge and learn from colleagues on different aspects of staff development. Continue reading “5th Conference 2009″


4th Conference 2008

The Fourth SDC & SLAIHEE Joint Conference was concluded successfully, on Monday 24th March 2008 (9.30 am to 4.30 pm) at the University of Colombo, with 104 university staff from Sri Lankan universities participating. The theme for this year’s conference was; “Using Teaching to Expand Range of Skills Development in Students and Staff”.

Similar to previous conferences, the Fourth SDC & SLAIHEE Conference was organized jointly by the Staff Development Centre (SDC) of the University of Colombo and SLAIHEE. Continue reading “4th Conference 2008″


3rd Conference 2007

The Third Conference was held on Friday, 27th April 2007, followed by a post-conference half-day workshop on Saturday 28th April 2007 (on ‘Reflective Practice’). The conference and the workshop were organised jointly with the Staff Development Centre of the University of Colombo, on the theme “Developing Skills in University Lecturers and Students?”.

The Keynote Address was delivered by Mr Deepal Sooriyaarachchi, Managing Director, Eagle Insurance. Proceedings were conducted by Professor Suki Ekaratne. Dr Nilukshi Abeyasinghe delivered a Plenary Presentation on Analysis and Perceptions of Academic promotion Schemes in the Sri Lankan University System, which was followed by a Panel Discussion. Paper presentation sessions were chaired by Mr P Dias and Dr Enoka Corea. Continue reading “3rd Conference 2007″


2nd Conference 2006

The Second SDC & SLAIHEE Joint Conference was held on 18th May 2006. The conference was organised jointly with the Staff Development Centre of the University of Colombo, and the theme was “From Teaching to a learning Culture – Providing structures for the paradigm shift”.

Proceedings were conducted by Professor Suki Ekaratne. The Keynote Address was delivered by Mr Stephen Cox. Sessions were chaired by Mr. Stephen Cox and Mr. Chandana Dissanayake. Concurrent / parallel sessions were not held as members expressed a preference not to have such concurrent sessions. Based on this membership preference (from the feedback of the past conference), the number of oral presentations that could be presented were limited. Continue reading “2nd Conference 2006″


1st Conference 2005

The Inaugural SLAIHEE Conference was held on the 31st March 2005 at the University of Colombo from 9.30am to 4.00pm. It was organized jointly with the Staff Development Centre of the University of Colombo. The Conference Theme was Teaching to Put Students First.
Proceedings were conducted by Professor Suki Ekaratne, Director of the Staff Development Centre of the University of Colombo. Concurrent conference sessions were chaired by Dr Nilukshi Abeyasinghe, Ms. Shrinika Weerakoon, Professor Suki Ekaratne and Mr. Chandana Dissanayake. Continue reading “1st Conference 2005″